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SINCE 1896

Boa Esperança Coffee Farm 


Coffea Arabica

It is a species of coffee originated in Ethiopia, considered one of the first species of coffee to be cultivated in the world. Coffea Arabica can produce fine and exquisite cups, with intense aroma and a wide bouquet of flavors. Although some features are typical of the species, there are factors that create infinite variations of aromas and flavors in the variety. Major and minor variations that arise in the Arabica species are the result of the following variables: weather, temperature, altitude, cultivar, soil type, geographical position, nutrition, soil management, plant age, face the sunlight, time of harvest and post-harvest management. Harvest after harvest the coffee could have a different taste even though it was cultivated in the same farm. Since its founding Arabica is exclusively grown on the farm. Our harvesting is 1800-2000 bags of 60 kilos of green coffee per year.


Mundo Novo



Had its origin in a variety of planting Sumatra in 1943 in the city of Mundo Novo (current Urupes - SP) of where plants of Sumatra variety crossed with the Red Bourbon variety. In 1952 this variety was featured. It characteristics are, plant size, great vigor, high productivity and excellent cup quality.


Red and Yellow Catuaí



Offspring from crossing breeding between the cultivar Mundo Novo and Caturra, this variety was aimed to associate the hardiness of Mundo Novo, the low size and productivity of Caturra. The first cultivars emerged in 1949, but the variety was released only in 1960. In Brazilian indigenous language Tupi-guarany, "Catuaí" means very good, what do reflect its good architecture for picking and good quality of cup and beans.

Yellow Catucaí



Originally from genetic selection of a cross between the and Catuaí and Red Icatu in 1986 in the city of Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto / RJ. Plants that had low height, good yield, vigor, leaf rust resistance and low levels of beans defects were selected. In the second generation of adult plants in 1992 it was observed that there was little segregation for color, 1% of the plants with yellow fruit, thereby this plants was selected and this new breed was realized.




During field tests in the Agronomic Institute of Campinas, researchers began to select within the cultivar Mundo Novo plants with larger berries, giving this variety its name "Acaiá" with means Big Berry in Tupi-Guarany, the Brazilian indigenous language. The tree characteristics of Acaiá are the same as its relative the Mundo Novo.

Red Icatu



The Red Icatu originates from hybridisation between the species C. Arabian (Red Bourbon) and C. Canephora (Robusta) in 1950. The IAC was based on creating a plant with hardiness of Robusta, and cup quality of Bourbon. "Icatu" in Tupi-Guarany means bonanza. The Icatu coffee has as its main features the high plant vigor and resistance to leaf rust.

Red Obatã



Cultivar Obata "strong leaf" in Tupi-guarany, is the result of hybridization between Villa Sarchi (short stature mutant of Bourbon) and the Timor Hybrid (hybrid plant between Robusta and Arabica C. originating from East Timor), this Sachimor was crossed with Red Catuaí in 1972, and improved by the IAC until the present day. This variety has as main features immunity to all races of leaf rust, short stature, large berry, broad leaves, late-maturing and good quality of cup.

Yellow Bourbon



There are two hypotheses of its origin; the first says that the occurrence of a natural mutation of the Red Bourbon spawned this new cultivar, but some researchers attributing its emergence starting from natural crossing between the Red Bourbon and Yellow of Botucatu. Its appearance was noticed in 1930 in the city of Pederneiras / SP, and in 1945 initiated studies in the IAC for variety selection, which realized the new variety in 1960. Is currently regarded as one of the preferred varieties for special and "gourmet" coffee, by presenting unique characteristics of cuping.

© 2013 criado por Jonas Leme Ferraresso

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